16 april 2011

Lied van de week : week 15 - 2011

L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. - Noah And The Whale

Met 5 more years wist Noah And The Whale ons enkele jaren geleden al te verblijden, en dat doen ze met hun nieuwe single zeker, nog beter dan toen zelfs... Dit is een onweerstaanbaar popdeuntje, een geheide zomerhit zowaar (of toch in een universum waarin commercie het onderspit delft tegen kwaliteit). En ik ben er helemaal weg van, ik krijg het niet meer uit mijn hoofd, loop het hele dagen te zingen en weet nu al dat dit héél, héél lang op mijn mp3-speler zal staan...

Je vindt het op het album Last night on earth, dat je hier kan kopen.

Lyrics :

Isa likes brandy and the way it hits her lips
She's a rock 'n' roll survivor with pendulum hips
She's got deep brown eyes
That've seen it all

Working at a nightclub that was called The Avenue
The bar men used to call her "Little Lisa, Loney Tunes"
She went down on almost anyone
From the hard time living 'til the Chelsea days
From when her hair was sweet blonde 'til the day it turned gray
She said :

You've got more than money and sense, my friend
You've got heart and you go in your own way
What you don't have now will come back again
You've got heart and you go in your own way

Some people wear their history like a map on their face
And Joey was an artist just living out of case
But his best word was his letters home

His standard works of fiction about imaginary success
The chorus girls in neon were his closest things to friends
But to a writer, the truth is no big deal
From the hard time living to the sleepless nights
And the black and blue body from the weekend fights
He'd say

You've got more than money and sense, my friend
You've got heart and you go in your own way
What you don't have now will come back again
You've got heart and you go in your own way

On my last night on earth, I won't look to the sky
Just breathe in the air and blink in the light
On my last night on earth, I'll pay a high price
To have no regrets and be done with my life

You've got more than money and sense, my friend
You've got heart and you go in your own way
What you don't have now will come back again
You've got heart and you go in your own way

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