10 juni 2015

Lied van de week: week 24 - 2015

One great song and I could change the world - Swim Deep

Eerst lijkt het een gewoon popnummer, maar wat in het refrein gebeurt is verbazingwekkend. Swim Deep slaagt er ineens in om je te verrassen met een arrangement dat druk aandoet maar toch niet echt inboet aan toegankelijkheid. Deze band uit Birmingham is dan ook een ontdekking voor mij.

Je kan het album Mothers, waarop dit nummer zal staan, alvast hier bestellen. De release is pas in september.


Have I said why I love the sunrise? 
It's 'cause it's only gonna get lighter. 
Feels different than paradise 
Is this love? 
Have I said why I love the sunrise? 
It's 'cause it's only gonna get lighter. 
Feels different than paradise 
Is this love? 
If my touch is real then so's my dream. 
I'm an extremist when I hear my wolf howl. 
When I'm coming down bless my frown I don't mean it. 
It's a mad mad morning when my melody is in vogue. 
It's a sad sad dawning when my brothers and sisters seem to go. 
I know I don't talk about disaster. 
All my days I need to laugh! 
I'm being told to make it faster. 
That was my idea I already said. 
Will my mantra heal when I finally feel enthusiastic 
Around my ivorys? 
I don't usually move like I've moved here. 
Have I said why I love the sunrise? 
It's 'cause it's only gonna get lighter. 
Feels different than paradise 
Is this love? 
One great song and I could change the world. 
One broken heart and the wind couldn't tell me which way to go. 
One glass of bad bad wine and I'll be out on the road singin' 
One great song song and I could change the world. 
Have I said why I love the sunrise? 
Have I said why I love the sunrise? 
It's 'cause it's only gonna get lighter. 
Feels different than paradise 
Is this love?

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