30 mei 2010

Lied van de week : week 21 - 2010

What's in it for ? - Avi Buffalo

Het weer zit niet echt mee momenteel, maar de voorbije weken konden we al merken dat de zomer voor de deur staat (kom toch binnen !). En dat gevoel wordt zeker versterkt door wondermooie, zonnige en zomerse deuntjes als deze single van Avi Buffalo, uit hun titelloze debuutalbum. Ook in de clip overheerst het zomerse gevoel...
Het klinkt allemaal heel erg onschuldig, jong, vrolijk,... en toch gaat dit liedje eigenlijk over een onbereikbare, niet-compatibele liefde. Of hoe lijden toch weer mooi kan worden...

Je kan het album waarop dit nummer terug te vinden is, hier kopen. En de band biedt het nummer hier overigens aan als gratis download (evenals een ander nummer uit het debuutalbum) :

What's in it for ? (mp3)
Remember last time (mp3)

<a href="http://avibuffalo.bandcamp.com/track/distaste-and-interest">Distaste and Interest by Avi Buffalo</a>

<a href="http://avibuffalo.bandcamp.com/track/social-monster">Social Monster by Avi Buffalo</a>

<a href="http://avibuffalo.bandcamp.com/track/we-cant-try-this-again">We Can't Try This Again by Avi Buffalo</a>

<a href="http://avibuffalo.bandcamp.com/track/raccoon">Raccoon by Avi Buffalo</a>

<a href="http://avibuffalo.bandcamp.com/track/time-on-you">Time on You by Avi Buffalo</a>

Lyrics :

I walked in on a plan to dissolve all of your wishes
But I couldn’t help your mouth which I missed by two inches
Maybe I thought that you and I could run away alongside
But I didn’t understand I was a cold tear in your eye

What’s in it for someone with nothing to do?
What’s in it for me?

What’s in it for someone with nothing to do?
What’s in it for me?

I can read but I won’t if I’m sleeping here without you
All these things that you learn, I’ve been knowing since my childhood
You are tiny and your lips are like little pieces of bacon
I can feel you on fire because you’re drunk and I seem too cool

What’s in it for someone with nothing to do?
What’s in it for me?

What’s it in for someone with nothing to do?
What’s it in for me?

You know I love it when you put your fingertips around my shoulders
Should I take you to more functions or would you rather be lonely?
I feel like I’m messing up too much and I forget where I am
You are so much wiser and I’m used to stretching things out so long

What’s in it for someone with nothing to do?
What’s in it for me?

What’s in it for someone with nothing to do?
What’s in it for me?

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