12 januari 2009

Lied van de week : week 3 - 2009

Sold! to the nice rich man - Welcome Wagon

Na mijn lovende recensie en de vele herbeluisterbeurten de voorbije dagen, zat het eraan te komen. Ik betrapte mezelf erop dat ik vandaag de hele dag mijn persoonlijke favoriet van het debuurt van Welcome Wagon zat te neuriën, en ik kan me voorstellen dat het deze week wel elke dag zo zal zijn...

Je kan het nummer
hier gratis downloaden ; het album kan je hier kopen.

Lyrics :
Rich man came to our town
and wandered around, wandered around
Rich man came to change our minds
and change our plans,
take our things, take our rights,
tonights we fight
Rich man bought our wandering world,
our wonderful world,
our wondering world
(2 x)
Get your guns
let's shoot him down,
let's ax his plans
but we missed the mark
There goes the ark,
here comes the dark
Rich man spoke, thunder clap,
like a waterfall
as those waters fall on those who know it alls
and there mighty causes
Rich man came to pay the price
he paid it all
he paid the now
he paid the was
he paid it in full
he paid it for fools
who wandered and drooled
and full of lice
he's twice as nice

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